Adferiad Recovery
Cheryl Williams – Gambling Harms
Sarah Langford – Including and involving young people in service delivery!
09.30 – 10.15pm
In this session, you will be joining Cheryl Williams on talking about what services are available in Wales to help people that are getting affected by gambling harms!
Also in this session, you will also have a session of Sarah Langford where she is going to mention about listening to and acting on what service users say in planning and delivering services across Wales!
About the Speakers
Cheryl Williams – Cheryl Williams is the Head of Service for residential rehab and gambling harms for Adferiad. Cheryl has extensive experience working with people with substance use and/or mental health problems and is passionate about recovery and is an advocate for ensuring there are high quality rehabilitation services widely available across Wales.
Sarah Langford – Sarah Langford is a Senior Service Manager for Adferiad’s Powys Young People’s Team. Sarah has 18 years’ experience of working with young people affected by substance use and mental health issues and is passionate about engaging with and involving young people in all aspects of their care.