Ray Douglas

Gaming, Blaming & Shaming
(Unmasking the dark side of online gaming, Streaming & Misinformation)

11:30 – 12:10


Ray will deliver a thought-provoking workshop titled “Gaming, Blaming & Shaming” which will delve into the complex world of online harm and safeguarding in the digital age. Aimed at those concerned with the rise in online harm & misinformation the session will explore the evolving challenges and ethical dilemmas surrounding online safety, particularly with the advent of AI . Participants will examine real examples of online harm. And current trends in the correlation between over exposure and and exploitation, and discuss future implications safeguarding.

About the Speaker

Ray Douglas is prolific trainer and curriculum developer who has created numerous intervention programs tackling the challenges facing young people.
Ray has worked nationally as a highly sought after approved trainer across South Wales and currently his Minus Violence programme. Aiming at safeguarding young people, Ray reaches over 10,000 students and pupils per year within schools, colleges & universities.